Experience in Education
BS in Social Science and Teaching Credential from University of California, Irvine
12 years teaching grades K-6 in public schools
3 years serving as a Master Teacher to Student Teachers earning their credentials
9 years volunteering in my kids' classrooms and schools
3 years on the PTO Board
11 years advocating for children with disabilities
5 years working with The Arc Tennessee as Director of Family Engagement in Special Education
4 years serving on the Williamson County school board (elected 2020)

Experience in Leadership
Appointed by Governor Bill Lee to serve on the Advisory Council for the Education of Students with Disabilities
Appointed by Governor Bill Lee to serve on the advisory board of the CCNetwork’s Region 5 Comprehensive Center, part of a national network designed “to enhance the quality of instruction, close achievement gaps, and improve educational outcomes for all students.”
Appointed by the State Commissioner of Education to serve on the TISA Steering Committee
Served on Tennessee’s TISA Committee for Unique Learning Needs to help develop the new funding formula.
Appointed to the Technical Advisory Group for Tennessee’s Katie Beckett Program, which serves children with significant disabilities and/or complex medical needs

Key Accomplishments
Proactive Planning & Communication: On issues from rezoning to the bus driver shortage, I have worked hard since 2020 to proactively collaborate with key stakeholders to ensure that we are anticipating needs, considering all possibilities, and communicating options in a transparent way.
Managing Growth: Although overall growth is leveling off in Williamson County, District 5 continues to increase in size. During our last rezoning in 2022, I worked with WCS staff to engage with families in the community early and frequently so they would be part of the planning process. This resulted in one of the smoothest rezonings to date.
Always Looking to the Future: Every student deserves the opportunity to grow and reach their highest potential. I will continue doing that as well through experiences on committees, additional training, and finding new ways to better serve our community.
The Answers You Deserve
I know you have questions that represent your voting interests - I also know connecting with your representatives to gain clear answers can be difficult. I believe engaging with parents, educators and invested community members can be easily accomplished when leaders are transparent on the issues that matter most.